Have an IMPROVEMENT PROJECT you've been meaning to get to? We can help!

Is your space in need of an update?
Or maybe you need a fresh start?

Though fine-art schooled as an artist, DIANE PAPARO is deeply embedded in the world of architecture and construction management. As a result, she designs with the eye of an artist and practices with the skill of an engineer. Beauty, function, comfort and flow are her goals, artistry and ingenuity, her tools. Every space, large or small, is tailored to the way it will be used. Scale and proportion, flow, sight lines, acoustical requirements and light sources all play a primary role in her design schemes.

Put Diane's artful solutions to work for you in recreating your space. Click Here to Call Now.

Check out our new digs!

Our new space at Fuigo consists of a beautifully appointed office, an unmatched resource library, and access to top-tier product vendors and sourcing. The full-floor, 18,000 square-foot Flatiron studio inspires with all the amenities and resources designers need to run a successful business. Our new location is 304 Park Avenue South, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10010

What We've Been Up To...

St. Regis

St. Regis

St. Regis

Midtown East

St. Regis

Turtle Bay

For more information visit our website.

-the studio

| DIANE PAPARO INTERIORS | paparo.com | info@paparo.com | PH: 212 308 8390 |

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Custom Collectible Furniture and Rugs